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Lovley DR, Holmes DE.  2022.  Electromicrobiology: the ecophysiology of phylogenetically diverse electroactive microorganisms.. Nat Rev Microbiol. 20(1):5-19.
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Lovley DR, Phillips EJ.  1988.  Novel mode of microbial energy metabolism: organic carbon oxidation coupled to dissimilatory reduction of iron or manganese.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 54(6):1472-80.
Lovley DR.  2022.  On the Existence of Pilin-Based Microbial Nanowires.. Front Microbiol. 13:872610.
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Lloyd JR, Lovley DR.  2001.  Microbial detoxification of metals and radionuclides.. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 12(3):248-53.
Lloyd JR, Blunt-Harris EL, Lovley DR.  1999.  The periplasmic 9.6-kilodalton c-type cytochrome of Geobacter sulfurreducens is not an electron shuttle to Fe(III).. J Bacteriol. 181(24):7647-9.
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Lloyd JR, Sole VA, Van Praagh CV, Lovley DR.  2000.  Direct and Fe(II)-mediated reduction of technetium by Fe(III)-reducing bacteria.. Appl Environ Microbiol. 66(9):3743-9.
